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Guinea pigs are adorable, especially when they are munching their food. Sometimes when you are eating snacks around them, and they look at you with their cute little eyes, you will be tempted to give them your snacks, in this case, crackers. However, can guinea pigs eat crackers?
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Crackers?
No, guinea pigs can’t eat crackers. Crackers are typically not safe for guinea pigs to eat, whether in moderation or large amounts. Crackers are baked from flour and flavoring such as herbs, cheese, or salt. Even if you combine them with dips, peanut butter, or cheese, don’t feed them to your guinea pig.

When we talk about crackers not being suitable for your guinea pig, we mean all sorts of crackers. That is saltine crackers, goldfish crackers, ritz crackers, Graham crackers, peanut butter crackers, rice crackers, and prawn crackers.
Risks Associated With Feeding Crackers to Guinea Pigs
The following are risks that come with feeding your guinea pig crackers.
Digestive Problems
One thing about crackers is that they have high levels of fat. The digestive system of a guinea pig is quite delicate, and it will most likely have an upset stomach if you feed them crackers. You will most likely notice it hunched or exhibit pain when you touch its abdomen or stomach.
Salt and flour from the crackers will make the guinea pig:
- Bloat
- Constipate
- Gassy
- Excessively thirsty
This can bring deadly consequences for your guinea pig. You may have to make sure it drinks a lot of water or have your vet see it.
Weight Issues
Issues with weight cause problems for humans, and it is not any different for guinea pigs. Processed human foods, including crackers, make your guinea pig obese. While they may look adorable when curvy and chubby, that does not mean they are healthy.
If you have been feeding your guinea pig crackers and it has gained weight, you can reverse the situation. Cut back on the amount of food it eats, such as fruits and pellets, and remove the crackers entirely from its diet. You can play more with it, so it becomes more active.

Cardiovascular Problems
Most crackers have a high amount of sodium which is dangerous for guinea pigs. This is because it increases blood pressure in guinea pigs. They also have too many calories that thin the blood vessels and cause more problems with blood pressure.
If you have been feeding your guinea pig crackers, you may have to schedule a visit to the vet for a checkup. The vet will let you know if you have developed any conditions and how you can help it get better.
Lack of Essential Nutrients
Do you eat something that does not give your body any nutrients? So, why should you provide snacks like crackers to your guinea pig? They do not have essential nutrients that are helpful to the growth and functioning of your guinea pig.
Look at it this way; most food should have either Vitamin A or Vitamin C. Lack of Vitamin C leads to scurvy in guinea pigs. Vitamin A, is a vital oxidant, and together prevents inflammation and improves the eyesight of your pet.
What to Feed Your Guinea Pig
Instead of feeding crackers to your guinea pig, there is a wide range of foods that you can feed it. These foods are essential to their growth and development and will prevent them from getting certain illnesses.
- Hay to chew, which discourages your guinea pig from gnawing at the bars of their cage.
- Fruits such as strawberries and orange slices, and vegetables such as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower for Vitamin C.
- Provide clean, fresh water and change it every day. Do not put it in a bowl that spills and gets dirty quickly. Use an inverted water bottle.
- Commercial pellets that are nutritionally complete.

Related Questions
The following are some other questions that you may have.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Bread?
There are no negative consequences associated with feeding bread to your guinea pig. However, you should give it to them in small amounts and ensure it is whole-wheat bread. Start with a tiny piece of a crust; give it like you would provide treats.
Should Guinea Pigs Eat Popcorns?
Popcorns are high in starch and are cooked in oil. All this is a bad combination for your guinea pig. It may end up causing phosphate stones, and your guinea pig may choke from eating popcorn.
Is Rice Good for Guinea Pigs?
Grains such as rice are not suitable for your guinea pig. Cooking the rice before feeding it is not a good choice as guinea pigs should not eat cooked foods. Rice also has a lot of water content that may be difficult for the animal to handle.
Finding the right food to feed your guinea pig may seem like a tiresome task, and you cannot provide it with the same things that you eat. Do your research thoroughly; you do not want to endanger the life of your pet by feeding it something that is not good.