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Can guinea pigs eat newspaper? Will guinea pigs die if they eat newspaper in excess? These are questions that many people have, and the answers may surprise you.
Guinea pigs can eat newspaper, but there are some things you need to know regarding the different paper types and whether they are safe for guinea pigs.
In this article, we will discuss whether guinea pigs can eat newspapers, why they can be harmful to guinea pigs, and what types of paper are safe for guinea pigs.
Is Eating Newspaper Safe For Guinea Pigs?
When it comes to whether or not it is safe for guinea pigs to eat newspapers, there is a lot of information to unpack.
For starters, guinea pigs can eat newspapers, but they should only consume white paper and avoid any kind of toxic inks. Inks can be toxic to guinea pigs and lead to serious health issues.

Eating paper in excess can also lead to serious health issues for guinea pigs, so it is important to only give them a small amount of paper to eat. Too much paper can cause digestive issues and can even be fatal for guinea pigs.
Some of the side effects of eating excessive amounts of paper include diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. If you think your guinea pigs have eaten too much paper, it is important to take them to the vet immediately.
Does Eating Newspaper Provide My Guinea Pigs With Nutrition?
Nutrition for guinea pigs comes from hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets. Guinea pigs should not eat any sweets, chocolate, or processed foods. So can guinea pigs eat newspaper?
The ink and chemicals used to print newspapers can be harmful to your guinea pig. The paper itself isn’t nutritious and doesn’t provide any benefits to your guinea pig. If you line your guinea pigs cage with newspaper, make sure to remove it before it gets wet or dirty.
What Should I Feed My Guinea Pig Instead?
Guinea pigs can eat a variety of things, but you should avoid giving them food that can cause intestinal problems. A good diet for guinea pigs includes hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets. You can also give them occasional treats like fruit or dried food.
There are many types of paper that are safe for guinea pigs to eat. White paper, computer paper, and even some colored construction papers are all safe for your guinea pigs to consume.
Just avoid any type of paper that has been treated with chemicals or has had ink or dye added to it. You can also provide your adult guinea pig with shredded newspaper or paper bedding as a way to add variety to their diet.

Why Do Guinea Pigs Like Chewing On Paper?
Guinea pigs have very strong teeth that grow continuously throughout their lifetime. This means that they need to chew on something hard regularly to keep their teeth short and healthy.
Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead them to chew on things that they shouldn’t, like newspaper.
Guinea pigs also chew on paper because they are curious and like to explore their environment. This is perfectly natural behavior and nothing to worry about.
While it may seem harmless, chewing on newspaper can actually be quite dangerous for guinea pigs. The paper can contain toxic inks and chemicals that can be harmful to their health. In addition, the paper can also act as a choking hazard if your guinea pig swallows it.
If you’re wondering whether or not you should allow your guinea pig to chew on newspaper, the answer is no. It’s best to avoid giving them any paper products at all, just to be safe. There are plenty of other things that they can chew on that won’t be harmful to their health, like hay or wooden chews.
Can Guineas Eat Shredded Paper?
When it comes to shredded paper, it is considered much safer than newspaper since the inks used in newspapers can be toxic to guinea pigs. However, you still need to take some precautions when feeding your guinea pig shredded newspaper.
The biggest concern with feeding your guinea pig shredded papers is the potential for gastrointestinal blockages. If your guinea pig eats too much of the paper, it can form a blockage in its digestive system.
To avoid this, make sure that the shredded papers are not the only thing in their diet and that they have plenty of hay and fresh vegetables to eat as well. You should also avoid giving them any kind of treated paper, such as magazines or colored paper.
Ways To Stop Your Guinea Pig From Eating Newspaper
There are a few ways that you can stop your guinea pig from eating newspaper.
One way is to provide them with an alternative, such as cardboard or paper bedding. You can also try giving them a different type of food to eat, such as hay or vegetables.
If your guinea pig is still determined to eat the newspaper, you can try spraying it with water or citrus juice to make it less appetizing. Finally, if all else fails, you can try putting the newspaper in their cage in a place where they can’t reach it.

Some other ways to stop your guinea pig from eating newspaper are:
- Give them something else to eat: If your guinea pig is eating newspaper because they’re bored or looking for something to chew on, try giving them hay or vegetables instead.
- Make the newspaper less appealing: You can try spraying the newspaper with water or citrus juice to make it less appetizing.
- Put the newspaper in a place where they can’t reach it: If your guinea pig is still determined to eat the newspaper, you can try putting it in their cage in a place where they can’t reach it.
- Talk to a vet: If you’re concerned about your guinea pig’s health, talk to a vet about whether or not eating newspaper is harmful to them.
Alternative Materials To Cover Your Guinea Pig Cage With
If your guinea pigs are eating the newspaper covering your guinea pig cage, you can try covering the cage with alternative materials.
There are a variety of materials you can use to cover your guinea pig’s cage. Some people choose to use a cloth or towel, while others prefer to use a plastic sheet. If you choose to use a cloth or towel, make sure it is clean and free of debris before using it in the cage.
You can also try using a piece of cardboard or a paper plate to cover the cage. If you use a paper plate, make sure to cut a hole in it so your guinea pig can breathe.
Some people also like to use hay or straw to cover their guinea pig’s cage. This is a good option if you have a lot of hay or straw lying around, as it is absorbent and will help keep the cage clean. Make sure to change the hay or straw regularly, as it can become wet and moldy over time.
Wrapping Up — Can Guinea Pigs Eat Newspaper?
In conclusion, guinea pigs can eat newspaper, but it is not the best option for their diet. If you choose to give your guinea pig paper, make sure it is unbleached and unscented. You should also avoid giving them too much paper as it can cause digestive problems.
It is best to err on the side of caution and provide your guinea pig with a healthy diet of hay, vegetables, and pellets and keep your guinea pig away from newspapers.