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How do guinea pigs see in the dark? Is it possible for them to see in color? Is it possible for them to see in the dark? Guinea pigs are great pets, with a strong social nature. They do not prey animals. It is critical for guinea pigs to live in pairs since this helps them live a longer, healthier, and more joyful life. Having a healthy guinea pig as a pet is a long-term commitment, and there are so many things to consider. Knowing about the guinea pig eyesight is one of them. So, can guinea pigs see well? We will find out.
Guinea pigs have good spatial memory and a great sense of hearing and smell.
As a result, to make your guinea pigs feel comfortable and secure, build covers and tunnels in their habitat so they may hide and explore when they want to have fun.

However, there are things you don’t need to know in order to properly care for the guinea pigs that you’re still interested in learning.
Let’s look at what we can learn about guinea pig vision.
About Guinea Pig Vision And Guinea Pigs Eyes – How Do They See?
The guinea pigs eyes are perfectly aligned, allowing them to view at a good 340 degrees angle.
Guinea pig’s vision and eyes are positioned so that they may see everything coming at them and anything from the side.
They may see in all directions, particularly above and behind themselves, thanks to their round heads!
They don’t have to turn their heads to detect danger, in a nutshell.
Guinea pig’s vision and eyes are sensitive sensors that allow them to detect predators and plot their escape routes before they are attacked.
That’s also one of the reasons why guinea pigs are so sensitive to sudden movements from you or your family members.
Are Guinea Pigs Completely Blind?
Guinea pigs are not completely blind, yet they have poor eyesight or poor vision. They cannot see very good detail. Despite their diminished eyesight, guinea pigs are not colorblind.
Their eyes are positioned on the sides of their face, allowing them to see in a 360-degree field of view, which is quite remarkable.
Do Guinea Pigs Have Colored Vision?
Yes, guinea pigs have color vision that is comparable to human vision, according to research. They have dichromatic color vision. Because of this, they are not color blind.
In scientific tests, guinea pigs have been taught to inspect for color in order to check if they respond to hues.
Researchers proved that guinea pigs will always go towards the bowl of a particular color since they know the food should be there, indicating that educating them is effective.
Another important note: guinea pigs can’t see very well up close.
When viewing distance is reduced, they have a greater number of pictures per second and their eyes and head arrangement allow them to look within a 340-degree radius.
Guinea pigs are not only easy to maintain, but they also have a wide variety of colors and markings.
They can distinguish colors as well; however, overall, guinea pigs have poor eyesight or fairly limited eyesight. In essence, they are not color blind and might have blurred vision.

Do Guinea Pigs Have Vision In The Dark? – Night Vision
It’s unknown whether guinea pigs can see in the dark, as successfully as they do during the day.
Guinea pigs have a good sense of color and can distinguish them, but they have poor depth perception and are unable to see far.
As a result, their poor sight is restricted in certain ways.
Guinea pigs are also believed to utilize their memory and learned escape routes to navigate and see in dark environments and to find food, according to experts.
That tells that they do not have good night vision.
If you discover your guinea pigs running about at night, it’s because they’re active since they feel secure and know their home well.
What Are The Guinea Pig Sight Limitations?
If you want perfect silence to sleep well, guinea pigs can run around in the dark, be very active, and keep you up.
Because of this, many people think that a guinea pig can see in the dark, which is not entirely correct.
They’ll also be ecstatic if you appear in their presence and reveal it plainly, so you may rest assured that they can see you in the light. That is also not entirely accurate.
A guinea pig’s eyesight, like humans, isn’t perfect. They can see 33 pictures each second, which is considerably faster than humans.
We can only notice 22 pictures each second. Guinea pigs have a greater range of vision than humans and they can also see colors.
Despite this, guinea pigs have limited vision.
They use their other senses, such as smell and hearing, as well as their excellent spatial memory, to navigate freely throughout the day and night and recognize you when you get near.
What Are The Most Frequent Guinea Pig Eye Disorders?
Many eye diseases and conditions can affect a guinea pig, necessitating treatment.
Cataract surgery is most often used to correct things like double vision and blurring.
A variety of conditions, from scratches on the cornea to corneal ulcers, infections, and tumors, can be treated with this approach.
Veterinarians frequently need to assist you, and your guinea pig’s eyes will be treated based on the diagnosis.
Symptoms Of Eye Diseases In Guinea Pigs
The following are some of the most common symptoms that you may notice:
- Redness And Cloudiness In Eyes
- Keeping The Eyes Closed
- Repeatedly Scratching And Pawing The Eyes
- Frequently Tearing
- Discharge From Eyes
- Inflammation
- Eyes Bulges
If you detect any eye problems with your guinea pig’s eyes, make an appointment with the veterinarian.
Eye diseases can be dangerous; see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
They can be treated, but they can also lead to blindness if left untreated.
It’s possible that some stuff in the guinea pig’s cage, such as hay or bedding, is irritating their eyes.

Aside from fighting, the guinea pig’s eye may also be scratched as a result of another guinea pig’s struggle.
Scratches or irritations on the cornea, which can eventually develop into a corneal ulcer, are one of the most common reasons for eye problems.
You can observe redness or cloudiness in the eye as soon as the guinea pig might paw at it or rub it, or keeps the eye closed.
This discomfort is one of the most typical reasons why your guinea pigs cease eating. This can lead to other health issues because your pets frequently stop consuming, which causes additional problems.
The veterinarian will provide ointments such as antibiotics or specific ones that are made to cure ulcers.
If that doesn’t work, the veterinarian may try various methods.
Eye diseases, such as eye infections, are another type of condition that frequently affects guinea pigs.
They are caused by irritation or exposure to bacteria or fungal spores.
Antibiotics or antifungal medicines should be used to cure these illnesses.
If you attempt to cure your guinea pig’s eyesight on your own, it could be very harmful.
Consult a vet immediately who can assist you in alleviating your pet’s issues.
How Do I Keep My Guinea Pig’s Eyes Healthy?
You can’t prevent every issue, but you can certainly keep your pet’s cage clean.
You will prevent bacterial growth if you clean your pet’s cage on a regular basis.
If you have more than one guinea pig, keep them separated to avoid eye injuries.
Bottom Line
A guinea pig does not have to move its head to view above, below, or notice a danger approaching from the sides.
Guinea pigs can see colors (although we don’t know how effective they are in telling shades!) and view many more frames per second than humans.
However, they can’t see in the dark, and as a result, guinea pig vision is bad since to their limited depth perception.
They have limited depth of vision, so they must rely on their other senses, such as smell and hearing, to assure themselves that what is going on is safe.